Menopause treatment Angleton , TX

Understanding Menopause

Menopause marks the end of a woman's menstrual cycles and fertility. The hallmark sign is 12 consecutive months without a period. The average age of menopause is 51, but it can occur anywhere from 40-55 years old.

As estrogen levels decline, women may experience unpleasant symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, mood swings, trouble sleeping, brain fog, weight gain, thinning hair, bone loss, and more. These can significantly impact one's qualify of life.

Diagnosing Menopause

Our services

Stages of Menopause

There are 3 stages, each with varying hormone levels:

Main Causes

Benefits of Hormone Therapy

Hormone therapy (HT) replaces estrogen, progesterone, or both to alleviate unpleasant symptoms. When initiated before age 60 or within 10 years of menopause, benefits typically outweigh risks.

HT Effectively Treats

HT Also

Take control of your menopause symptoms today!

Hormone Therapy Basics

There are few different formulations, dosages, and schedules to meet each woman's needs:

Estrogen Options

Progestogen Options


Individualized Treatment Approach

At Vital Hormones Clinic, we tailor hormone therapy to each woman’s unique needs and preferences:

Thorough Evaluation

Shared Decision Making

Careful Monitoring

Interesting fact

Many women going through menopause find relief from symptoms like hot flashes and mood swings through cognitive behavioral therapy techniques like paced breathing and mindfulness meditation. These non-pharmacological approaches can be as effective as hormone therapy in some cases, without side effects.

Holistic Approach for Optimal Wellbeing

In addition to hormone therapy, we advise women on lifestyle measures to ease menopause transition and promote health:



Stress Relief


Take control of your menopause symptoms today.

Local Wellness Resources

We encourage women to utilize community resources to optimize overall wellness during menopause:

Importance of Timely Menopause Treatment

If bothersome menopause symptoms disrupt sleep, mood, or quality of life, timely evaluation and treatment are key. Allowing symptoms to linger can negatively impact relationships, work performance, cardiovascular and bone health.

We educate women that menopause symptoms are not an inevitable part of aging to silently tolerate. Safe and effective hormone therapy options exist! Frank discussions with caring menopause specialists can help women reclaim joy and thrive in midlife.

Why Choose Vital Hormones Clinic for Menopause Care

At Vital Hormones Clinic, we specially trained as menopause experts to offer exceptional care during this transition and beyond.

Team of Passionate Menopause Specialists

Our entire clinical staff – physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses, medical assistants – share a deep dedication to caring for midlife women. We find this field incredibly rewarding and stay abreast of the latest advances in hormonal therapies for perimenopause, menopause, and beyond!

Holistic, Individualized Approach

We take time getting to know the whole woman – her health history, genetic risks, symptoms, preferences, habits, relationships, life situation – prior to developing customized treatment plans.

Access and Continuity

Same-day appointments are readily available in our beautiful Angleton office. We have plenty of availability, so can develop long-term relationships with women throughout the menopause journey and beyond.

We would be honored to support the women of Angleton in making this next life chapter healthy, meaningful and fulfilling!

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